Betrayal is Just the Beginning...

My dear thrill-seekers and romantics,

Step into the underbelly of desire with my latest creation, the Betrayal Series. Here, the lines between right and wrong blur amidst the allure of this dark and deadly world. Deep red splatters not just on the covers, but in the very heart of each story, symbolizing the passion, danger, and unyielding love that awaits.

And rewards await those who venture deepest into the shadows...

Join the Betrayal and Unlock the
☠️Secrets of the Underworld☠️

 Please note that you must pre-order the entire series to unlock this realm of irresistible rewards. As our pre-order numbers soar, so do the surprises!

If we hit the number of pre-orders listed beside each perk, the corresponding reward will become available. ✨

You in? Thought so. Remember to pre-order
all 3 books to get the rewards.

^Yaasss, girlll! Merch Set includes Sticker, Bookmark, T-Shirt, & a Wine Glass!

Ready to start getting all the rewards?!?!
What are you waiting for? Go go go!

But we won't make it even this far unless more people pre-order. So, share with everyone. Your BFF. Your neighbor. Your babysitter. The lady next to you at the grocery store. You get the picture...

^My friends, not one, not two, not ten, but thirty (you heard that right, 30 ) people chosen at random receive signed sets of all three books!

^If we hit 5,000 pre-orders, I'll host a Release Day Party!!! 💃 Join me for pizza, wine, good conversation, and giveaways of Betrayal merch, signed books, and Barsetti Wine Bottles!

^At 6k pre-orders, 20 lucky winners will win a hand-signed trilogy + a full merch set, including Bookmarks, Stickers, a T-Shirt, a Phone Case, and a Wine Glass! 💅

^No joke. If we hit 7,500 pre-orders, I will release "It Breaks Me" and "It Ruins Me" to everyone who pre-orders all 3 books and submits their proof of purchase to the form linked below on the day "It Kills Me" comes out.

You may scream now. I'll wait.


And don't forget to SHARE!

Please remember that you must pre-order all 3 books.

Questions? Shoot me an email.